If your idea of relaxing and pleasure is fixing your car inside your garage, it's logical to ensure that the garage is comfortable all year round. There are a variety of garage heaters you can pick from based on your requirements as well as your location and budget.
Ideally, heaters are placed in the areas within the garage that need the greatest attention. Most of the time, this is the main area in the garage. A majority of people prefer to use the garage space for a workshop or as an area for their hobbies. In these situations, put your heater in a location that is over the workspace. Choosing a heater that permits you to direct the flow of the heat toward a particular place is recommended.
If you are deciding on the place in the garage space, you may also select between an electric heater that is portable or a fixed one. The model that is scaled will require specialized equipment to secure it.
There are two kinds of installation that are applicable to garage heaters. The first is a heater that is hardwired (220V or 240V). An alternative is a standard header that plugs into any outlet (110V) by means of an electrical cord.
If your garage is used as a workshop with many pieces of equipment and tools, it is recommended to go with an electrically wired heater. The installation of a high-end heater requires a skilled electrician to connect it to its circuit and switchboard. This allows the use of other tools without fear of blowing out a fuse.
In contrast, you can use portable heat sources for your existing outlet without requiring professional assistance. When your garage is equipped with several outlets, it is an ideal alternative. It can also be beneficial over the long term if you need to move the outlet around your garage area while you work.
Two major elements play an important influence on the size of the garage heater. The first is the size of your garage, and the other one is the capacity of the heater. On the basis of the BTU calculation, you can determine the amount of power required by the heater that will warm the garage.
The most commonly stored items in garages are wood or paint. This is why it is best to opt for a natural gas heater as well as electronic garage heaters.
Apart from being energy effective as well as safe for your home, it is also economical and doesn't rack your bills for utility usage. If you don't have access to natural gas or propane, your most efficient alternative is to use an electric heat source. It's the least disruptive choice as it is placed on the wall, which creates more space inside the garage.
Safety is the main issue when installing heaters in the living area. Different types of heaters have safety features to help avoid accidents from happening. Let's look at some.
1114 Rockland Ave, Victoria, BC V8V 3H7