HVAC Basics: Air Conditioner Maintenance

October 2, 2022

HVAC Basics: Air Conditioner Maintenance

1. Inspect Furnace / Air Handler

The majority of cooling systems consist of an air handling and an evaporator coil within the home, as well as an outside condenser unit. You may begin by looking at the inside unit, which in many instances is an air conditioner with an evaporator coil mounted on top of it. The inspection is mostly visually oriented at this moment.

Furnaces are typically located in the upstairs hall closet; however, if you've got a basement, it's probably there. It can also be found in the attic. The most important thing to look for is that condensate and overflow lines aren't blocked and that the connections appear good. In the course of use, the evaporator coils create lots of condensation, which has to be safely drained beyond your house.

You could see the overflow lines easily on your system; however, the condensate line may be a little more difficult. Certain condensate lines come with an end cap that can be removed to look into the pipe. It is possible to clean the line from this area if you are using it. Some don't have doesn't, and may be unable to visually check the line without disconnecting it from the AC unit, which is something we don't wish to do. Instead, you can look at the outside line for drainage following the start-up.

2. Inspect Air Conditioning Unit

Then, go outside and examine the AC unit. After a long period of inactivity, the unit outside was covered in the accumulation of leaves, dirt, and sticks. You may begin by turning off the power supply to the condenser unit to ensure that you can easily take off the grill on top.

If you're uncomfortable with this, or any other task we've outlined, don't hesitate to contact a professional to assist you. Professional service experts make sure your air conditioning unit is back in good shape within no time.

After that, clear the debris from the exterior of the unit's air conditioner. It's important to trim back any plants which may be growing around. Your outdoor unit has clearly been through a lot and is becoming worn and rusty. Air conditioner maintenance is more crucial on an older unit to ensure it's up and running when you have to switch it on.

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